Saving Private Ryan Wiki

PFC Fallon was a Paratrooper, and one of the Ramelle Paratroopers.


He jumped with the 101st Airborne in Normandy on June 5, 1944, for Operation Overlord. He was then rounded up by a 101st Colonel to go to Ramelle under the command of Captain Jennings. Jennings was eventually killed during the bombing, and Corporal Henderson became the new CO. Eventually, Miller's Men joined, and Captain John H. Miller became the new CO, forming the Ramelle Defenders. Fallon then participated at the Battle at Ramelle, where he camouflaged to the ground, and killed an SS lieutenant. When he was ordered to retreat, , he got hit by a bazooka explosion, having his leg blown off and being flung to a foxhole. Fallon's fate is unknown, but it is believed he survived the battle.


Fallon being flung into the foxhole of Lyle, Rice, and Toynbe.

